Australian Grape and Wine Sector: Vision 2050

Vision 2050 lays out the steps needed to craft a prosperous and self-reliant grape and wine sector into the future. Forest Hill and Miracle Dog assisted the sector’s peak body, Australian Grape & Wine (AGW), and its services body, Wine Australia, to develop the plan during 2019-20.

The project to develop Vision 2050 was overseen by a steering committee comprising board members of the two sector organisations. The core element of the project approach was a series of workshops held around Australia with sector stakeholders, to gather their views on what the preferred future looked like, the opportunities and threats facing the sector in the intervening period, and the priorities for attaining the 2050 vision.

Vision 2050 was launched by Australia’s Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, the Hon. David Littleproud MP, and the Shadow Minister for Agriculture the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP. A video of the launch and the plan itself can be viewed on the AGW website.

Forest Hill and Miracle Dog also assisted Wine Australia to develop its Strategic Plan 2020-25, which draws upon and will contribute to the realisation of Vision 2050.

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